A Winter Retreat ~ it’s not as it appears
It is during the darkening days and dropping temperatures that I am more inclined to retreat and sit by the fire, think about a future that promises warmer days and shorter nights, and generally feel unproductive. Curiously inspecting the bee hives I was reminded that while I see absolutely no outward activity those creatures are most certainly engaged.
The bees cluster tightly to maintain a temperature hovering near 70 degrees in these subfreezing days and nights. Sometimes survival in challenging circumstances requires great exertion although invisible to the world around us. Perhaps you occasionally find yourself in that “winter state of survival”. I know that I do. My personal challenge is to allow that natural and basic instinct to fulfill its need, do the necessary emotional work to survive those dark spaces and believe with assurance that warmer days are on the way!
Bees ~ life-skills instructors extraordinaire!
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